Surviving Overwhelm

We all have those moments when life gets on top of us ... You're working hard to keep life together. Juggle kids, work, home life, friends. And then your puppy, rescue or older dog's behaviour feels like the final straw, it feels like they are out to break you. It happens to me too. Last week I chatted to various clients at the end of their tether about barking, puppy toileting, adolescence, coming back when called, multi-dog household tensions and more. Life can be a bit of a rollercoaster, ...

Observation and Forward Planning

An exercise in giving yourself more time to find solutions There are millions of dogs out there with humans at the end of their lead with various abilities and experiences, levels of training and understanding. It feels like being on the road in your car with lots of drivers at different skill levels from newly passed to professional drivers, ones who are just ambling along and those on a mission. Just like driving on the road, to maintain our sense of well-being we have to consider not ...


Hi, my name is Carolyn Boyd, welcome to my blog where I will adding postings including:

🐾 Top tips to help you with your dog.

🐾 Thoughts on mindset and how that can change the way we work with our dogs.

🐾 Case studies so you can understand a little more of the sorts of people and dogs I work with.

🐾 Behind the scenes on me and how I work.

🐾 Editorial articles giving an opinion on something either in the news or in my head.

You will also be able to find out more about how I work using kind and effective methods for both you and your dog. 


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